Friday, July 3, 2020

Witch Corp #1

I'm super excited about this one! I kept thinking to myself about creating a fantasy world but in modern times. Of course, all the characters are running around fucking one another like some sort of sexual smorgasbord. All sorts of devious goodies is inside this murder-mystery erotica. So far, it seems like a lot of you are already enjoying it. This makes me so happy! ^_^ I'm sorry about the delay in getting this put up for your to enjoy. Like the majority of my covers, here is the NSFW version!


Chapter 1 - Abduction

             Misty had been working late.

Her corporate job was incredibly demanding. There were so many expectations on her, she found herself giving more and more to the company and very little to herself. 

             She sighed as she watched the other pedestrians pass her by on the street. There was elf with his face buried into his cell phone, a sprite fluttering across the street before the light turned green, an orc walking his dog, and a few nymphs chatting about the latest fashions. Despite the hustle and bustle, it was night, which is when the darker elements of society wandered the city.

             Misty looked at her watch, it was 8:40 p.m. Shit! I’m going to be late!

             She was supposed to have dinner with her boyfriend, Ralphie, who she had only started dating a few months ago. With a quick flip of her fingers on her cell phone, she was able to pull open an app to summon a vehicle to pick her up. It was Friday, and she knew that getting a car to pick her up was going to be difficult. However, it showed that there was going to be a car available in the next 5 minutes just a couple blocks away, but in order for her to get there on time she’d have to cut through an alley.

             Misty wasn’t worried about the riff raff. This was a fairly crime free area of the city, and besides, no one would mess with her. She worked at Witch Corp.

             She hurried in her high heels and pencil skirt across the street, avoiding the oncoming vehicles as if she had done this several times before. A vehicle who was plenty of distance away still felt annoyed by not waiting for the cross walk to turn and honked at her. Misty flashed him a smile as well as the middle finger before she carried on her way.

             The alley was as dark as alley’s tended to be, with a single overhead florescent burning a spotlight over a metal sidedoor that had no handle to enter. There was a niche off to the side that split from the main alley like a t-section and was shrouded in darkness. It wasn’t that far to the other end. She grabbed her white crystal pendant from her neck and rubbed her fingers over it. It would protect her and had been a special kind of luck charm passed down generation to generation in her family.

             Her high heels clicked on the concrete as she hurriedly made her way to the other end. She was wary of the shadowy niche, as it would be the best place for an assailant to hide. She could feel her hairs raising on the back of her neck and, for a moment, she felt like something was breathing from inside the alcove. As she was about to pass by, she heard a shoe scuff.

             Without hesitation, she traced a glyph in the air and muttered a quick incantation, a spell she had saved up and held in reserve for this very thing. A ball of searing hot plasma erupted from her finger tips and was tossed into the darkness of the niche. The spell streaked down the alley, as bolts of white lightning spewed from the ball of plasma and cracked against multiple surfaces as the ball traveled until it struck a dead-end brick wall.

             There was no one there.

             She huffed partially out of disappointment, and partially from surprise. Usually her instincts were pretty spot on. She paused momentarily, cursing that she had wasted a perfectly good spell, until she was blasted by an enveloping magical force that rippled across her like several dizzying waves. Misty felt the blackness of the niche pour into her eyes, flooding them from all sides. There was a feeling of drifting and then a fall. Then nothing.

             Misty was floating for a long time, but when she came to, she was no longer in the alleyway trying to catch a taxi. She was in a room, barely lit by a light in each of the corners. The walls were made of a faux stonework that created the false appearance that she was underground in some sort of dungeon. However, Misty had seen her fair shares of dungeons and this one, by far, was amateurish.

             She felt the crisp air against her skin, and she realized that she had been stripped completely bare. When Misty tried to move, her body struggled against several leather straps that bound her to a wooden bench. Her arms were outstretched to the side, bound, and her fingers tied in a witch’s knot to prevent spell casting. She know longer felt the weight of her pendant and she felt the rise of her heartbeat and the trepidation of fear as it nuzzled its way through her veins.

             A deep bass, one belonging to the darkest of chasms, drew up from behind her like a spirit from an abandoned well. “There’s no use struggling. I’ve taken every precaution.”

             She felt a large hand, one filled with rough calluses yet unyielding to her skin, grab her ass and squeeze. Her ass stuck out over the bench, and her legs dangled from it, unable to touch the ground. Misty tried pointing her feet, but she still could not find the floor.

             As she tried to speak in protest, she realized her mouth was spread open by an O-ring which was attached to a leather harness which suddenly made her aware of how widely her mouth was open. Her words came out in a jumble of incomprehensible noises as her tongue failed to produce a suitable syllable.

             The individual behind her moved away from her ass and brought himself towards the front. The sound of hooves was well apparent against her ears and in her peripheral she caught the sight of a brown hide, massive muscles, a long legs – confirming to her that whoever had kidnapped her was a centaur. While the creature kept a casual pace coming towards the front, it felt as if time had slowed down as she caught the tip of his fully erect cock passing by. It was as thick as a baseball bat and at least twenty-seven or more inches long. Her eyes widened as she realized that this beast intended on fucking her and there wasn’t anything that she could do to stop him.

             The light caused his features to be extremely shadowed, so it was difficult to make out his face, especially since her head was perfectly aligned with his underside.

             “I’ve been watching you. Desired you. And now, you’re mine.” He claimed as he straddled the bench she was strapped to, with the head of his thick member easing closer towards her head. “Us centaurs used to be worshipped by followers of Dionysus. The priestesses would willfully give themselves to us freely and our kind would fuck your kind’s tight cunts.”

You can find the rest of this story at:

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Conquest of Orcs - Assault of St. Lyril's Abby Part 3

Hey pervs! I'm not gone, I've just been working a lot and keeping myself free of nasty little diseases. This one should have been posted awhile ago, but you know how things go. Look at my line work, it's still all wavy. I've since found ways to not be so shaky. You'll see in the next one. I loved drawing this one, "Conquests of Orcs" is one of my favorites to draw. I hope you enjoy this very non-safe for work version of the front cover.

"Conquest of Orcs - Assault of St. Lyril's Abby - Part 3"

     “A princess, you say? And an elf—” Dar’Tok grinned, revealing his sharp orcish teeth. The chains attached to the wrists of the pregnant elven girl clanked as she shifted from the mentioning of another of her species, especially, that of a princess. Her face flashed bright red from the shame and embarrassment of having been captured by this beast, and for having now carrying his child.
     Celyna stepped slightly forward again, however, was careful not to get within reaching distance of the sigil that still burned on the sanctuary’s floor. It was a sigil that was powered by faith and Celyna’s faith was unresolved. “I order you to release everyone and leave this place, else risk the wrath of Falling Leaf!”
     Dar’Tok laughed as he grabbed Nysee’s breast. Her belly was still bulging from having received the orc’s and cock hound’s seed. She shook, as his touch caused a stray orgasm to ripple across her body. The other orcs, hearing their leader laugh, decided to join in the joke – whatever that was.
     “My men have captured this temple, and everything inside belongs to us. It is you, who will surrender to us.” He grabbed Nysee by her hair, dragging her up to her feet in order to display her luscious breasts and swollen belly. “I will spare this whore’s life, if you surrender to me now. Otherwise, should you fail, I’ll slit her throat right here.”
     The elf gasped. She looked to her fellow priestesses and swallowed hard. A begging question entered her mind and she asked, “How do I know that you won’t kill her the moment I exit the circle?” Celyna was frightened for Nysee, but she needed reassurances that her friend would not be harmed.
     “May Ookrish, the Bloody Hand, rip out my heart if I am lying.” He licked the side of Nysee’s face and she cringed. “Better think fast or the deal will expire and this cunt’s blood will drench the floor.” He pulled out a long jagged dagger and displayed it so that Celyna could best see it.
     With an inhalation of breath, a frightful look at the elf slave chained around Dar’tok’s neck, she gently touched the hand of one of the reluctant nun’s who did not wish to see her go as a means to reassure her, before she stepped out of the circle. 
     Despite her small size, Celyna started hard at the orc leader. She did her best not to look at her used naked friend, and hoped that her determination and confidence would somehow shake the beast’s resolve. However, Dar’tok grinned at her and tossed Nysee aside. She clamored to the floor, yet quickly looked up to see what horrors would befall her elven friend.
     Nysee was relieved that she was no longer in the orc’s clutches, and her swollen belly made her feel heavy and unable to defend herself if the need rose. However, she was upset that Celyna had stepped out of the circle and what’s worse, is that she revealed herself as royalty. The one thing that Nysee knew about orcs, was their obsession with royalty.
     Dar’tok reached around his neck and unfastened the mechanicsm which held the pregnant elven slave in place. With a click, the chains and the elven girl fell to the floor in a heap. The crash sounded like it had bruised her, but the elf didn’t even release a painful wince. She remained on the floor, battered and used. The orc stepped closer to the elf, up until he was but a foot in front of her. She continued to hold her stare and defiance. With a quick motion of his arm, his enormous hand gripped around her throat and hoisted her into the air so that the elf’s stare could be on the same eye-to-eye level as the orc’s.
     “Today is your lucky day, royal slut. As I am going to make you my whore bride.” With his other hand, Dar’tok grabbed Celyna’s collar and yanked down with such strength that the fabric of her holy vestments tore and pulled off of her body. Celyna choked a squeak of surprise as her clothes fell away from her body so easily.
     Celyna’s undergarments were far more risqué than the St. Lyril’s would have preferred. The cotton panties and bra that were customary were too itchy for Celyna’s likes, and preferred the elven silks that her people produced in Falling Leaf. They were beautiful enough, or perhaps lust inspiring enough, that Dar’tok left them in place. With a single finger, he pulled on her bra so that the silk would slip beneath her breasts, causing them to pop out. Having witnessed the previous acts of debauchery, Celyna’s nipples were as hard as they have ever been and Dar’tok smiled wickedly to himself.
     “Looks like you’re ready for a good fucking, cunt.” With the same finger he brushed Celyna’s g-string aside and positioned his cock at the entrance of her dripping pussy.
     Celyna shook her head, fearful of the massive size of his cock which pulsed from his heartbeat. The orc’s baby maker was thicker than her arm, and nearly just as long. It was at least 16 inches, if not more, with a girth that would make a horse blush. The tip of his head held a purplish tint and his shaft was as green as the rest of him though covered in thick veins. Despite being choked, Celyna was able to breath as his hand placed the majority of his pressure beneath her jaw. She tried to struggle, pulling her hands up to pry at his fingers, while another tried to cover her own sex, but his other hand swatted her away.
     With a grunt and a powerful thrust, Dar’tok pushed himself into her cunny causing her to arch her back as the pain and pleasure bolted across her body like a stampede of wild stallions.
You can find the rest of this story at: