Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Goblin Warrens 9 - Village Seed

It's been awhile! I've had so many things going on lately! I moved! I improved my space some. Went to a couple conventions. It's been a blast! But I'm still writing and here's my newest kinky addition to your future library.

Goblin Warrens – 9

               The rafters made the perfect place to tie a rope over the beams. William was kept separate from his wife and daughters, while Roselyn and Camilla were tied with their hands strung out over their heads.

Camilla’s breasts drooped heavily from her chest, plump with milk that would occasionally drip out from her nipples. Her belly distended far into her 9th month of pregnancy, as that is where Kildack preferred to leave her so that her family could get an eyeful. She could feel the goblin babe inside her stirring from time to time, and she knew that it would only take one more good fucking from Kildack to push her into labor. She was wet between her legs, an almost constant now every since she gave into Kildack’s marriage proposal – which, in the end, seemed more like permanent servitude. She tried her best not to look at her father.

Her mother, Roselyn was also naked to the room. Her breasts seemed to get heavier by the moment, while her belly was showing the first signs of pregnancy by sporting the same engorged belly as her daughter, Camilla. She thought she was done having children. For several years, both William and her were trying to have a son, but after Penelope had been born, all their attempts ended in failure. Not even the priestesses could help them discover a means to bare another child – besides goblin semen, which the church is strongly against. She watched as her daughter Penelope fell to the goblin’s onslaught.

Penelope’s head had leaned all the way back, so that her face was positioned for her father to get a full look at her expressions. Her eyes had rolled into the back of her head, as well as her tongue had rolled out of her mouth. Goblin cum dripped from her face from Kildack’s prior face fucking, which ended deep into her throat and further on her face as he pulled out. His spunk was foul at first, but as she breathed it in, she felt a sense of nirvana. Her arms were above her head, pulling at the old carpet on the floor as she rode each wave of pleasure that washed across her body with Kildack’s every thrust.

William watched silently and with an uncurable lust that had rose inside of him as he watched his family be taken by this savage creature. His eyes rolled over her breasts, perky yet petite, something that the goblin had taken into his mouth from time to time which caused her nipples to be hardened to a good inch in length. Sweat drenched her, creating a glisten to her skin, which captured the fire light of the lamps throughout the home. Her brown hair pooled across the floor.

Kildack thrust slowly thrust his thick baby maker into her cunt. Already, he had filled her with his seed twice. A small baby bump had grown on her, and she looked tiny in comparison to her mother and sister. His balls were engorged, tight, and just aching to release more of his seed inside her. He raised her legs with his arms and plunged his cock deeper inside her, pressing beyond her cervix and spilling into her womb. There was still a slight resistance when he pushed deeper into her, but it allowed him entrance and it gripped his head tightly. Her cunt was yearning for more of his seed.

“Do you like watching your daughter being filled by my cock?” Kildack asked as he stared threateningly into William. “Her’s is a face of wanting.”

He thrust harder into her and she let out a intense scream of pleasure. Penelope’s cunt was tight against his cock, almost refusing to let it leave her body. She was craving it. Each time he came inside her, her entire body erupted in orgasms that refused to end for several minutes on end. It was a taste of euphoria that she had never experienced before in her lifetime. She had always imagined what it would feel like to be taken by a monster, and now she experienced the ferocity of it firsthand.

William again tried to hide his eyes, but despite the ravaging of both his daughters and wife, he found that his own internal lusts were building up inside him and it was getting harder and harder for him to hide that his own erection was ready to pop out of his garments. He had imagined that his daughters would introduce another human, or perhaps an elf, as their new husband – he had even prepared himself when Camilla became a fighter that she would someday bring home a girlfriend. When she married Umaris, he was happy at the prospect that he could someday see some grandchildren. The goblin babes that his wife and daughters now carried was not something he could consider a grandchild. They were beasts, monsters whose only drive was to eat and breed. He kept thinking to himself that he couldn’t protect them, and that he had failed them.

“Here’s some more seed for my new bitch!” Kildack declared as he strongly clamped his hands down onto her waist and pulled her into him. His cock lurched inside of her, hitting the back of her uterus and sloshing in with the rest of the semen that he had previously expelled into her. “Get pregnant, slut! Open yourself to bearing my children.” His cock exploded inside her, his cock thickened, his balls clenched as stream after stream of goblin spunk poured into her womb.

Kildack grunted as he emptied himself inside her. Rope after rope blasted into her, mixing with the other loads he had given her until it made a primordial soup for bearing life. The semen would only act to accelerate the growth of the goblin babe within her. Penelope screamed at the height of her own orgasms as they fluttered about her entire body, like a swarm of imps scratching at her skin but instead of pain it brought an untold amount of pleasure. (To be Continued with purchased version!)

You should buy this! You can find it on and! I'd hate to leave you hanging in the middle of a story... or other things.

Goblin Warrens 8 - Communal Property

Hiiiiiiiiiiieeeeee! I am so behind on posting this one, it's like its a travesty! Don't worry my goblin freaks, I am posting the alternative title to Goblin Warrens 8, as well as Goblin Warrens 9 just for you! I really hope you like this one, it's getting more kinky by the day.

Goblin Warrens – 8

               Camilla had given birth to six other goblins before Kildack wanted to rest. It seemed like he had been fucking her for days, filling her up over and over again with his semen. She barley could keep her head straight. Despite the toll giving birth rapidly to goblins took on her body, she bounced back ready for more. She believed that there was something with the goblin’s semen that sustained her.

               Now they were officially married by the blood beast. A blessing that had transformed her body temporarily, though the engorgement of her breasts and the ability to give birth anally remained. There was something else that Kildack failed to mention to her prior to her consenting to becoming his wedded whore. He now held a strong influence over her mind, one that she discovered she could not disobey. And with that influence came the enforcement of a goblin tradition known as community property.

               Kildack had told her what it entailed while she was spilling his seed inside her ass. She tried her hardest to protest, but found herself agreeing despite her fears. Now the butterflies swirled around her pregnant belly. Her goblin master ensured that she appeared nearly nine months pregnant before setting his plan into motion. It involved leaving the cave during the darkest night and visiting the town of Blackwater, where her family lived. The thing of it was, is that when one marries a goblin, they take ownership of your mother and all your mother’s children as well. Camilla was to be presented before her family as the goblin’s property with proof of her being knocked up as evidence of his claim. She knew that Kildack was powerful enough to seize anyone that he wanted, but to have her displayed like a trophy and to bestow her family onto him was a moment of pure degradation.

               It took them several hours to reach the town on foot. Camilla was unsure of what direction they were heading at first, let alone being able to see half of the landscape before it was a few feet in front of her. She remembered canvassing this area while he was married to Umaris, her husband, and fellow adventurer. They had spent several nights under the stars, bathed in the moonlight, and made love out in the open knowing that there wasn’t a soul around to interrupt them. The memories came to her as her breasts started leaking with milk.

               There were guards posted at the walls, but Kildack did not waste his time going through the main entrance. He knew a way through a sewage exit pipe that lead them into the alley not far away from her family home. She did not grow up in the richest of neighborhoods, in fact, sometimes it was difficult for her family to make ends meet. Her father worked as a scribe and was surprised when she declared, at a young age, that she wanted to be a warrior. Camilla would send her mother, father, and younger sister money she made from her adventures to help them live a better life.

               Once she reached their home, Kildack knocked on the door and crouched behind her in order to keep himself hidden, at least for the first initial moments.

               A woman with long blonde hair, in her mid-thirties, pale skin answered the door with a lit candle in hand. Not far behind her was her husband, a skinny man with short brown hair, rounded glasses, and his hands securely on her waist.

               “Camilla…” the woman asked as she squinted her eyes to better make use of the light. “Is that you?”

               “We haven’t heard from you in weeks, quickly come in, before you catch cold.” Her father stated as he moved his way out of the doorway so his wife would have room to step back as well.

               Camilla swallowed hard and stepped into the house, where too, Kildack stepped inside. As soon as he crossed the threshold, he straightened his spine, extended his clawed hands on the door and pressed it shut. 

               Camilla’s mother, Roselynn, released a heavy gasp – too petrified to scream – as the goblin towered over her. Her hand started to quake, causing the light of the candle to nearly extinguish.

               Her father, William, grabbed the nearest thing he could find which was a small wooden stool and held it in front of him like it were a sword. “Watch out Camilla!”

               Kildack rushed at him with his claws and teeth bared. William was so startled that he dropped the stool and fell backwards in order to dodge the attack. Kildack grinned at the weak little man and grabbed Roselynn by the throat. “Don’t scream, or I’ll kill your pathetic mate.”

               Roselynn trembled, she kept her voice inside her as best as she could, but her breaths came heavy, pressing her size apple-sized tits into the air with every intake. 

               Feeling especially terrible for visiting this upon her parents, Camilla stared down at the floor immediately after bolting the door behind her.

               “Camilla?!” Her father issued from the floor as he was too afraid to get up. He looked at his daughter, whom was buried beneath a brown robe that was far bigger than her.

               Kildack watched the pitiful exchange between daughter and father and chuckled to himself. “Show them.” He barked from between his teeth.

               Shaking from the humiliation of it, Camilla untied the rope and opened the robe, revealing her naked body to her parents. Her breasts were firmly engorged with milk, which leaked periodically, while her belly was far into her 9th month of pregnancy – or at least, near the end of a goblin child’s gestation period. She blushed from it all.

               Roselynn gasped, not from the goblin’s hand that was wrapped around her throat, but from the shock of seeing her daughter in such an undignified way. She imagined all sorts of terrors that Camilla had suffered beneath this beast. With a small bit of hesitation, Roselynn gazed at the goblin’s muscles, his abs, and the small lion cloth that was already starting to bulge – a bulge that she had only fantasized about.

               “My dear Cami, no-no-no.” William felt as if he was going to cry. Knowing that the child she presently held inside her belly belonged to the goblin who had invaded his home.

               “Your daughter belongs to me now!” Kildack boasted as his tongue rolled out of his mouth to wet his lips for Camilla’s mother. “Which means that you belong to me too, whore.” His eyes fixated on Roselynn.

You can find the whole thing on or! Buying the book is like tipping in a way! You should tip me so I can buy fun things! HAHA. 

Monday, May 27, 2019

Ballet Night School - Part 1, Newcomer


I've always had a fondness for ballet and vampires so I figured, why not combine the two? So here it is, Ballet Night School, where a girl gets the chance of a lifetime to dance for a ballet company which turns out to be infested with vampires. When the vampires claim her, she becomes more than just a meal.

“Ballet Night School, Part 1 – Newcomer”
Kattie was no stranger to ballet.  She had been taking lessons since she was four years old.  Every summer growing up, she had gone to ballet intensives and eventually was invited to a conservatory where she continued her education.  Her dream had been cemented for her at a young age, she wanted to – no, needed to – become a professional ballerina, which was why she was absolutely elated when her audition video was selected over hundreds of others of candidates to join the Les Danseurs de la Nuit for an opportunity to be placed within their dance company. With enthusiasm bustling in her cheeks, Kattie moved to Harbor City where she prepared herself to meet with destiny. 
As a student, while her tuition was paid for, the company did not give her much for living expenses.  She was placed with another student, a few years her senior, where she would be sharing an apartment together.  The building was made of brick, was old, and not in the best of neighborhoods.  The windows looked awful as the paint was peeling around the edges and the first three floors had bars to keep intruders out.  The front doors were heavy, and it was difficult for her to navigate her bags through the vestibule and into the hallway.  She looked at her phone that gave her instructions on how to reach her designated apartment. 
Take the elevator to the 5th floor.  Number 57.”
The elevator, guarded by a pair of iron gates that looked more like a cage than a means to reach the higher floors, just so happened to have an “Out of Order” sign on it. 
Katie sighed at the inconvenience, but was determined to make the best of it.  If she truly proved her worth, it wouldn’t be long before her pay would increase and she’d be able to afford somewhere better.  This was temporary, she reminded herself. 
After fighting her bags up five stories, and with some missing breath, she managed to reach her apartment door.  She was already provided the keys, which came to her in the mail, but she decided to knock regardless.  The entire building was abuzz with a variety of different sounds, TV shows, a couple arguing, a baby crying, and someone was getting laid and wasn’t ashamed of letting their neighbors hear.  It all made her feel uncomfortable and a touch of anxiety worked its way into her chest.  When no one came to answer, Katie tried the doorknob and was relieved that it was unlocked.
As soon as the door swung open, her cheeks flushed in perhaps the brightest red she had ever worn.  The screams of pleasure she heard from the hallway were not a shameless neighbor, it was coming from her apartment! 
Lucy’s legs were spread widely apart, where were it not for the middle-aged man pounding his fat cock into her cunt, Katie would have received an eye-full of her pussy.  She laid on her back atop the rickety kitchen table and she gripped the sides hard enough that one could see the whites of her knuckles. 
“That’s right you fucking ballerina bitch, take my prick! You’re Gavril’s whore!”
His bare ass was wide and complimented the fat folds around his waist.  He was balding, had black hair, which only seemed to have migrated to his back.  Katie did not see an ounce of attractiveness in him, especially from her angle.  She was absolutely stunned to move or say anything besides stare at them from the threshold of the apartment.
Gavril grabbed Lucy by the throat and wrapped a flabby arm around Lucy’s waist.  With a single motion, he pulled her off the table, which caused his thick cock, perhaps as thick as Katie’s wrist, from out of Lucy’s cunny and turned her around to face Katie. 
Lucy had gorgeous breasts for a ballerina, perhaps D cups which were round and perky.  Her nipples were erect and pointed up to the ceiling of the apartment.  Her shirt and bra still clung beneath her, as if Gavril didn’t give her the time to get completely undressed before ravaging her.  Lucy locked her brown eyes with Katie’s and she smiled briefly until his arm wrapped around her chest and his hand gripped her neck once more.  She gave out a sharp moan as he pulled her hips back against him.  He guided his member into her snatch causing her eyes to roll into the back of her skull. 
“That’s it, slut.  You belong to me! Isn’t that right?”
“Yes, Sir.” She stammered out with a touch of hesitation.
“Any time. Any place. Any way I like.  Isn’t that right?”  The older man demanded.
“Yes, Sir.”  She strained as he thrusted harder and harder into her. 
“Good! There’s nothing I deserve more than an obedient ballerina fuck slave.” 
He shoved himself into her harder, causing Lucy’s body to spasm with orgasm. 
Katie’s breath had increased without her realizing.  She was sweating, and her chest felt incredibly heavy.  Worst of it all, she felt a heat rising up from her own cunny and it spread throughout her body like a virus.  She unknowingly bit her lip from the sight of it all.
Gavril increased his speed and he grunted under the pressure that was starting to build in his balls.  He looked directly at the girl who was standing at the door to the apartment.
“There’s nothing I desire more than impregnating ballerina whores.  Tell me who owns your womb!”
“You do!” Lucy cried out as the pleasure swept through every nerve in her body. 
“You’re damn right I do!”  His gaze never left Katie, which seemed to pull her into him.
Katie could feel herself in Lucy’s place, her tits on display and bouncing with every thrust of his cock, the consistent flood of orgasm after orgasm, her body no longer her own and at the whims of this middle-aged stranger.
“Now, get pregnant, slut! Take all of Gavril’s seed!”
“Oh, God!” Lucy screamed as she felt his cock tensed inside her. 
Gavril grabbed one side of her hip and yanked her ass against him, causing his cock to push all the way to its farthest point. Once the tip of his cock pressed against her cervix,  he groaned loudly as his spunk exploded from his cock and sprayed the inside of her womb.  String after string of thick baby making juice filled her and Lucy fell again into her own screaming orgasm. 
As soon as he emptied his balls into her, Gavril released his hold on Lucy and she fell to the ground in a heap.  Cum leaked from her pussy and onto the wood floor.  She breathed heavily in order to regain her breath while Gavril, panting heavily from the work out, put his clothes back on. 
Once he was fully dressed, Katie tried to find words, “I’m umm—”
“You’re the new girl, yes?” Gavin asked with little attention to her face and more attention to her breasts and curves.
“Ye-Yes, that’s right.”  She nodded while trying to do her best to recover the color in her cheeks.
            “Good.”  He walked up to her, leaned in, and smelled her.  “Rent is due on the first, don’t be late.  If you are late, I’ll evict you unless we can come to some other arrangement.”  He stole a quick glance at Lucy who was slowly recovering on the floor.  It was very apparent to her what he meant. 

Buy it now at
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Monday, April 8, 2019

Goblin Warrnes 7 - Thralls of Lust

Hey Pervs,

I'm a little slow at getting this posts out, but I wrote another Goblin Warrens book not long ago that I'm sure you'll love.  It seems that many other people have been getting their rocks off from it and its hardly losing any interest.

Here's the latest Book 7 - Thralls of Lust


A gnome and elf adventurer was kidnapped by a band of goblin raiders. They are taken to the goblin warrens where they must contend with the latest generation of goblin spawn. Through the elf's power, a goblin mage is able to gain control over the gobryl that has been plaguing their warren. With Sadi back in control, she unveils the next stage of her fearsome goblin plot. Will the adventurers be able to escape, or will they become thralls of lust?

Goblin Warrens – 7
Kel and Aura where pushed through the caves, naked and cold, as their goblin kidnappers kept them on a tight leash.  Multiple times, the goblins pinched their butts, pulled on Aura’s ears, and groped their tits as they continued deeper and deeper into the tunnels.  Even if they managed to escape, Aura wondered if she would be able to remember the way back.  The caves were so difficult to navigate and there wasn’t any landmarks that they could use to help them return to the surface.  She was sure that the goblins made it difficult to begin with so that the cave became like a prison for them. 
One of the goblins, the one that Aura had given birth to, had adapted to its inherent magic that it acquired from her after she gave birth. Her hand was lit with a bluish flame, dancing among the rocks, to give them some indication as to where they were going. Goblins were such a parasitic race, who took traits from their parents.  There had been studies done about how many traits could pass on, from parent to parent, but such research was frowned upon and a lot of the information was redacted in order to sway mages from attempting the same kind of research.  It now appeared like she was going to witness it firsthand.  Magic in the hands of a trained student of the arcane arts was one thing, but in the hands of a reckless power-hungry species, that was far more devastating than she could possibly imagine. 
As they rounded a tunnel, Aura heard it first, then Kal’s ears began to pick up the distinct sounds of moaning – the slapping of bodies and the grunts of some beast.  The farther they trudged, the louder the sounds became.  The two adventurers knew that they were heading straight for the goblin’s breeding warrens.  Dread built up further in Aura’s chest, knowing full well that her life from this day moving forward would be filled with goblin cocks filling her insides over and over again with their nasty seed.  Her progeny would be an ever-growing powder keg of magic energy just waiting to go off at any moment. 
When they entered the main cave, they finally were able to catch sight of the warren.  There, hanging from piece of rope off the ceiling, was a human female – at least from initial inspections.  She had short brown hair, with ample tits, a large pregnant belly, and a cock that hung limp between her legs.  There was a string of semen dripping off the tip and reaching towards the floor.  Off to the side, there were two goblins, one with pink hair while the other with dark greenish hair, with their tits pressed together and the pink one laying on her back, while from behind, a large fiendish looking creature with three arms, one large bulbous head, and two irregularly-shaped eyes was fucking them from the back. 
Kel’s eyes enlarged, even at the distance that they were slowly closing at the behest of their captors, due to the size of the creature’s cocks.  They were massive things, perhaps larger than her own arm, and there were three. Two of them were already buried deep inside the goblin girls’ cunnies, while another rubbed against the top of the dark green-haired girl’s ass.  They were covered in sweat, cum and all other sorts of juices, as if they haven’t been given a moment’s rest.  Their bellies were distended, pregnant – from what she could tell – by this monstrosity. 
Aura felt that she had seen the human before, perhaps in passing at one of the local taverns.  All adventurers seemed to know one another, or at least in some capacity or the other, she just wished that she could place her.  It looked like the girl had been down here for some time, though not long enough for her hair to grow out too long.  She remembered from the original quest that there had been a pair of adventurers missing, having gone after a goblin not long ago and everyone feared the worst.  Though some joked that they got sidetracked on another quest on account that a single goblin wasn’t that much to worry about.  Now, the fate of those adventurers was clear.  Though, she only saw one of them.  Where was the other?
Sadi and Nailia’s tongues had drooped out of their mouths, and their eyes had rolled into the back of their heads – too engrossed in the pleasure that was washing over them by the beastly thrusts of the abomination.  They moaned as its cock pushed deeper and deeper into them, penetrating far into their wombs, ready to bath their insides with its cum.  Aura’s cunt ached from remembering having given birth to a goblin not very long ago.  The sensation was filled with pain and a touch of euphoria as the tiny creature was pushed out of her vagina.  She worried that her cunt had stretched so that she would find it difficult to locate a sexual partner.  She had overheard stories of elven women talk about how the other races found elves to be tight on their cocks, and how it would cause them to ejaculate far too quickly – if not, multiple times.
Kel shuddered at the thought of having the abomination’s cock forced inside her.  The gobin’s cocks were large enough, let alone having a tree branch-of-a-member throbbing inside her – filling her with cum.  The thought caused a shudder to run down the length of her spine as she imagined feeling buckets and buckets of cum engorging her stomach.  Her cunt started to feel moist, a sign of her arousal, and she silently shamed herself for it. 
The giant goblin quickened his pace as the pressure built inside his multiple balls.  His thick sack slapped against Sadi and Nailia’s ass as if being spanked by another goblin.  They braced themselves, already knowing that soon their cunts would be filled with the monster’s semen.
The goblins who were holding Kel and Aura captive forced them down on their knees, and gave them a really good view to watch as the goblin women were bred even further by the beast.  It was meant to give them a taste of what is about to come, and to reinforce their fate as part of the goblin warrens. 

If you are interested in reading the rest, they are up for sale on and 

Monday, January 28, 2019

Goblin Warrens 6 - Goblin Magic

Hello my pervy friends.  It's been awhile but I decided it was time to write another addition to the Goblin Warrens series.  It seems a lot of you liked it already, so, I figured I would reward you with the uncensored cover.  I hope that you like it.  My art skills are slowly getting better and better the more of these I make.  Take a peek of the story below.  I won't mind ;).

Goblin Warrens – 6

It had been a long day, one filled with dusty roads and steep hills.  Aura wasn’t sure why she had decided to come along.  It wasn’t about the money, as she came from several lines of elven nobility and therefore had ample access to funds.  The Queen had put up the posters asking for a call to arms against a potential goblin incursion.  The posters were fairly vague without giving much detail as to how many goblins the kingdom was under threat by, or where they were coming from.  They had to guess the hills, since that is where a lot of caves naturally formed.  Goblins love caves. 
Aura had long platinum hair, violet eyes, smooth creamy skin and a tight petite frame.  She sat on her knees next to the fire, as she ran her hand over her crescent moon staff muttering incantations over her staff.  It was a means to ensure she had the right spells memorized for whenever their group may ran into trouble.  She wore a white dress that hugged her hips, then tapered down into a long strand of fabric that draped between her legs and covered her behind.  Her breasts were held up by a crisscross fabric that left little to the imagination.  The fabric was thin enough where her nipples showed. 
Kel, a red headed gnome, stood near her tending to an iron pot on that hung over the fire.  She was cooking some concoction that involved dried rations, a variety of herbs, and some potatoes she found growing wild – all simmering in a gravy-like broth.  It didn’t smell half bad.  Kel took a step back after stirring it and slowly removed the chain shirt she had been wearing.  During the struggle, Aura was able to catch sight of the underside of Kel’s sizable breasts as her undershirt caught with the chain shirt as she pulled it from her body.  Kel was only just over three feet tall, had sickle hips and a plump ass.  Her feet and hands were larger than those of an elf, yet complimented her broad shoulders.  Aura felt that the most pleasing characteristic on her was her fleshy nose that just highlighted her smile. 
Aura put her staff down, and placed her hands politely in her lap.  “When will we rendezvous with Gerald and Helia?” 
Kel placed a finger to her mouth and thought, as if she was calculating the distance they traveled so far.  “I think tomorrow around noon, if we get up fairly early.  They shouldn’t be that far away.  Why, are you nervous?”  She stuck out her hip and gave her an alluring smile.
“Why should I be nervous?” Aura asked as she found her eyes moving between the curves of her hips to the supple breasts, which hid beneath Kel’s shirt.
Kel turned so that Aura could see all of her.  Her face was just slightly above where Aura’s was, and she leaned in, her luscious lips a few inches from hers.  “Because we’re alone together, just the two of us.  And you haven’t been able to take your eyes off me since we started traveling together.”
Aura unconsciously bit her lip.  She blushed and turned her head slightly where her eyes shifted to the fire so that she could have something else to focus on.  “I don’t know what you mean.”
Kel gentle touched the elf’s chin and pulled her face back towards her.  Kel looked directly into her eyes and leaned in closer, allowing her lips to stop just an inch from Aura’s. “I’m sure you know exactly what I mean.”
 Aura could feel her heart thumping in her chest and a warmth building in her cunt and her tongue briefly wetted her lips in anticipation of a kiss.  As the gnome’s lips crept closer to her, she took in a big breath of air, and her lungs quivered with excitement and passion.
The gnome drew her fingers from her chin, caressed the elf’s cheeks and ran them through her platinum hair before gripping the back of her head.  She kissed her, and she could immediately taste a touch of honeysuckle.  Her lips were warm, soft and they gave no hesitation. 
When Kel retreated from their kiss, Aura’s chest was taking in deeper, longer, breathes.  The kiss had aroused her far more than she had ever experienced.  The warmth had spread from her groin and up into her chest, where it nestled in her breasts and tingled her nipples. 
Kel looked between the elf’s eyes to assess just how far she would go.  When she saw nothing but compliance and lust, she unfastened her belt, and the studded leather battle skirt dropped off her hips and fell to the ground.  All that was between them was her panties, to which the gnome took one graceful finger and pulled it aside revealing her perfectly shaved, puffy, mound. 
Aura swallowed hard and her chest fluttered.  She had never done this before, at least not so suddenly and with someone she barely knew.  Kel had joined her, along with a few other adventurers, to take on the goblin threat.  They knew barely anything about one another.  But the smell of Kel’s cunt was faint and it caused her mouth to water.  Partially paralyzed with nervousness, Aura could do nothing but stare at it, which caused her mouth to gape.  
Kel took hold of the elf’s head as before, and pressed her eagerly awaiting lips against her cunt.  Aura let out a breath as her face was buried in the gnome’s cunny and the warm air caused a shiver to skitter down Kel’s spine.  Kel wondered if the elf would even know what to do, as she seemed so hesitant to act on her own desires, but her thoughts were interrupted as Aura’s soft tongue rolled across her clit. 
The elf moaned her satisfaction with finally being able to taste her.  She drew her hands up to the gnome’s groin and slowly massaged a finger inside her, while the other hand cupped her ass from behind.  Despite the gnome’s small stature, it filled Aura’s tiny elven hand.  With a passionate exhalation of breath, Aura pushed her face harder against Kel’s cunt and eagerly lapped against her labia.